I was always an athletic kid. The first sport I played was field hockey. Our coach made us sprint and do squats. I enjoyed how it made me feel. The first time I went to a gym was in college. My boyfriend at the time worked out and he wanted me to come with him. Once I started seeing results, I was hooked.

I want to pass my passion on to you. I want to show you how good regular exercise and a healthy diet can make you feel. That's why I started "Fit Bodies in Motion."

In college I majored in exercise science. I'm also certified through the American Council on Exercise (ACE). I have over 20 years of experience in fitness and nutrition. I'm preparing for my first fitness competition next year.

You might not think of yourself as an athletic person, but anyone can become one. It's human nature to enjoy getting results. You just need to have the experience of success.